My best friend, Jodee, always lists things she is thankful for on Thursdays, so I thought I would start myself in this habit, too.
1. I am thankful for a wonderful husband who has put up with all of my hormonal issues during this pregnancy and still comes home to me at the end of the day, even though I've been hard to live with! He still supports me and listens to me whenever I need to vent about the craziest things and doesn't thing I'm losing my mind!
2. I am thankful for my two beautiful boys, Cameron and Charlie, who give me joy every day. They say the cutest things and make me realize that although parenting is ever challenging, it is all worth it when they tell me they love me and I'm the best mom ever (Cameron has told me that the last couple of days...I think he still thinks it's Mother's Day...either way, I'll let him keep telling me that!)
3. I am thankful that I am having a baby girl and she is healthy and I am finally starting to feel better. I know she will be worth the wait when she arrives and will bring us as much happiness that her brothers have brought us. I am so happy that I can now have two boys and a girl and start buying "pink" instead of only boy stuff and have someone to even out the playing field in our house!
4. I am thankful that I have four great siblings and a wonderful mom who spreads herself out among all of us kids and grandkids to make our family great! I love getting together with all of my family and we try to all do that as much as possible, which doesn't always seem like alot, but when we do we make the most of it and enjoy each other's company. I just wish we all lived alot closer together so we could see each other more.
5. I am thankful that all of my close friends and family are healthy and happy and continue to live long and healthy lives.