The day after my cousin's reception, we headed to KC for a Royals game and Worlds of Fun with my brother, Mike and his two kids, Brett and Natalie and my sister, Mary, or as we all call her "Tooty!" We packed a baseball game, Coco Key Water Park (where we stayed one night) and Worlds of Fun in 32 hours! I decided that was way too much for a pregnant lady in summer to endure! I was completely exhausted when we got home and still haven't recuperated! However, everyone else had fun, especially Cameron and Charlie! They loved the baseball game, of course, and even got a chance to run the bases afterwards, which was a real treat for them! They couldn't believe that they got to go on an actual major league field! My sister and I even joined them, but I actually "walked" the bases! We then went to our hotel, the Sheridan, which has a new CocoKey waterpark attached to it. It was really fun, but we only had a couple of hours to enjoy it since it closed at 8pm that night! I think Cameron went down the huge slides at least 20 times! The next morning we ventured to Worlds of Fun for almost 7 hours of heat and fun for the kids! Charlie went on every ride that he was big enough for and Cameron even went on some small rides so Charlie wasn't alone! He is such a good big brother. All of the kids enjoyed so many rides and definitely got their money's worth since they rode sooo many! I love big rides, so this time all I could do was watch, but made sure Trav knew that next time we come, he'll be watching baby girl while I enjoy rides with my boys!