Daddy, Cameron and Charlie spent Saturday at Mahoney State Park with Great Grandma Joyce and her friend, Delmar, while I spent the day in Clarkson, NE with eight of my high school classmates catching up on old times. To view my day, go to my friend, Jodee's blog, "Follow the Leaders" below under my favorite blogs. Anyway, Grandma and Delmar camp at Mahoney every summer and are the camp "guides" for the other campers while they are there. The boys always have a fun time fishing, roasting marshmellows and enjoying the outdoors! The boys especially loved fishing because between the three of them (well, mainly Cameron) they caught 36 fish, and not just little ones! Cameron thought it was pretty cool catching such big ones, since he usually only catches small ones. All in all, they had a super time and love hanging out with Great Grandma Joyce! Thank you, Grandma, for showing the boys such a great time!

Wow! It looks like the boys had a blast! I can't believe they caught 36 fish!
Looks like such a fun time exploring the outdoors!! :)
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