Sophie is almost two weeks old! Boy, how time flies! I thought my days would go so slow now that I am staying home, but it is exactly the opposite! My days fly by and before I know it, it is time to pick the boys up from school. Between laundry, running errands, feeding baby and picking up the house, the day is over! My husband says that the days wouldn't go so fast if I wasn't always going shopping, which he is probably right! But this nice, fall weather gets me in the mood to be out and about, and Sophie seems to enjoy it, too! Having Super Target and the mall this close to me is way too tempting, and once my maternity leave pay runs out, I'm going to have to pace myself from the daily shopping trips! But for now, Sophie and I will continue to enjoy ourselves while we can afford to! Grandma Kathy came for a visit Sunday night and spent the night, so she helped me and got the boys to school, which worked out great since it was pouring rain, that way I didn't have to take Sophie out in the down pour. I'm still trying to get in the groove of getting Cameron off to school on time and making sure Sophie is fed before we leave. The mornings are so hectic and right now Travis is taking Charlie to his preschool before he goes to work, so that is a major lifesaver for me right now. We're going to continue Charlie full time at preschool for another month or two to keep his schedule consistent and help me get in a routine. Hopefully I will get into a groove and miss Sophie will start to get on a schedule, too, that way when Charlie is home more we'll all be more adjusted. Right now we are all still overwhelmed with the newness, or at least I am!

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