Mommy & Daddy with Sophie

Daddy & his little girl!

Mommy and her girl!

Little Miss Sophie!

Charlie & Sophie

Cameron & Sophie

I can't believe Sophie is six weeks old! The time goes faster and faster each week! I am amazed that she is over 8 pounds and wearing the next size and that Halloween is almost here! I thought the time would drag when I started staying home, but actually it is the opposite...time couldn't go faster! Between getting kids up and ready for school, all of Sophie feedings/changings, cleaning, laundry, cooking and picking kids up from school the day is gone! I used to think it was crazy working fulltime and running to and from daycare and kids activites, but staying home might be even busier! I guess that could be because there is always something that needs done at home! When I was at work I forgot about everything that needed done at home, while now I am always thinking it! Either way, I am very glad to have the opportunity to be at home for my kids and be able to walk my oldest to and from school and not have to have someone else watch him after school. He has even made comments to his friends like, "my mom will always come get me after school and is always home now." When I heard him tell one of his friends that the other day, I knew I was doing the right thing by staying home!
1 comment:
Holy cow! Where did the last six weeks go? Sophie is just adorable!
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