I love this one of Carson trying to "escape" from getting his picture taken!
Charlie playing with trains!
Cameron and Kamree enjoying brownies!
Cameron trying to build the trainset for Charlie and Carson
Mommy, Sophie and Charlie
Mommy and her baby girl!
Sophie and Kamree...Sophie is not looking like a "doll" so much anymore!
Little Miss Sophie
Sophie loving all of the attention from Kamree!
Kamree pointing out the heart on Sophie's shirt saying it was "pretty"!
The two princesses in training!
We can't wait until we can get pedicures with our mommies!
Cameron & Charlie playing trains and Carson observing in the background...still not wanting to get in the picture!
We had another fabulous time with the Leader family for our monthly playdate. It was sooo cold outside so we were stuck inside playing trains, board games and enjoying pizza, brownies and good old tv! Kamree loved holding and sitting by Sophie and the boys got out every toy imaginable, leaving Jodee's house a disaster! Hopefully we got most everything put back for you ok, Jodee! As usual, Jodee and I caught up on our gossiping and the usual chit chatting! We all had a nice and relaxing evening and always look forward to our playdates together and watching the kids interact. Hopefully we can turn it into a bi-monthly playdate instead of just once a month, but it may get harder to get together with the busy holidays approaching us! We'll see what happens! Thanks again, Leader Family, for another fun time for the Fox Party of Five!
Thanks for coming over last night. As always, we had a great time! Let's do it again soon!
Looks like everyone had a great time!!
I cannot believe how much Sophie has grown......she is so adorable!
Have a great weekend!
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