Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas with the Fox Family!

Charlie and his new minature radio
Cameron is sooo happy it's Christmas!
Cam and Charlie with their new baseball pitching machine
The whole gang!

Grandma and Grandpa and their grandkids
Silly Daddy and his boys!
Daddy and Charlie waiting to open presents
Cameron and Charlie with their little princess

Cameron patiently waiting for presents!
Cousin Gavin with all the presents!

We celebrated Christmas early with my husband's family in Norfolk over the weekend.  Besides really super cold weather and lots of snow, we had a fabulous time!  The kids were sooo excited and got many wonderful presents.  Cameron and Charlie got legos, Knex, a baseball pitching machine, toy ATM machines, pajamas, games and books.  Sophia got lots of clothes and many girlie toys finally!  WE also got a zoo pass for our family for the new year, which we will deifinitely use a ton!  Even though it was one of the coldest weekends ever, the boys did bring their sleds and played in the snow for awhile, since there was over a foot of snow in Norfolk!  We rarely get that much snow here, so it was a real treat for the boys to have that much snow to play in for once!  As always, we ate too much, got way too many presents and way too little sleep!  Welcome to the week of Christmas festivities!

1 comment:

Jodee said...

It looks like you had a great time with the Fox side of the family! Seriously, could it get any colder up there?! We didn't leave Grandpa and Grandma Leader's house the entire weekend -- not even to go sledding or to church!