Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Let the Christmas Festivities Begin!

Cam and Charlie with their new hot wheels city!
Mommy and her baby girl!
Charlie and Cam with their new Joba Chamberlain and Alex Gordon baseball plaque
Charlie and his car tool set
Cameron and his new Sports book
Charlie and his new "Rock on " Pajamas
Sophie and her new stacking cups
Cameron and his new "I Carly" CD
Charlie got "Pixos"
Sophie watching everyone open presents

We celebrated Christmas at our house early since we will be spending Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at my mom's.  Cameron and Charlie could hardly wait to start opening their presents.  We told them we would open them at night so they had the countdown going all day.  They first sorted their presents into piles and decided which ones they'd open first and put them in order.  They even did the same for Sophie!  After decorating cookies, we had them take their showers and get their pajamas on before dinner.  We then ate and afterwards they could dive into the gift opening!  Charlie was soooo excited he started opening his first one before any of us even sat down!  All of the kids got many great gifts and seem to really enjoy everything.  They will be playing with them for awhile until we make them go to bed to get ready for Santa!
Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

1 comment:

pitapocketmom said...

looks like daddy peed his pants in the first pic!