Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Cameron's Football game!

Cameron started flag football this fall for the first time and absolutely loves it! He has played soccer the last two years, but decided he wanted to try football this year instead. I'd rather he play soccer, but we let him try football since it is not tackle and he seems to really enjoy it and has a few friends from school on his team. He said this spring he'll probably play soccer, again, but we'll see what he actually decides. After the game last night, Cameron and daddy went to a cub scout meeting and daddy ended up signing up to be a pack leader. Cam came home and ran upstairs to tell me...he was so excited that his dad and one of his good friends, Zade's dad, were going to be the leaders of his den! I'm glad he and his dad will have an activity they can do together and really bond...since the new baby he hasn't gotten much of our attention!

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