Tuesday, January 20, 2009

LIttle Miss Sophia...trying to sit up!

It won't be long before Sophia is sitting up on her own...she is sooo close and we can't wait until she does.  She looks so bored always having to lie on her back all of the time.  She has starting rolling over but gets upset when she ends up on her stomach, so we roll her to her back and then she immediately rolls back to her stomach!  We also got the exersaucer out for her and she is starting to like it.  We can't believe that she is 5 months old next week!  Where is my baby girl going?!?  Time needs to stand still and stop these kids from growing!


Jodee said...

It was so much fun seeing Sophie today. She has grown sooo much! Enjoy every second!

Kim said...

Sophie is such a cutie! How great to get to document her milestones.

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

She is adorable! I love that sleeper. Don't they grow so fast?!