Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Sophia's First "Real" Food!

Sophia actually loved her cereal!
Charlie had to try out feeding Sophie!

Sophia getting ready to eat!

Today was the first time for Sophia to get baby food.  She got to start with rice cereal and thought it was the greatest thing!  I remember Cameron and Charlie wanted nothing to do with cereal, but Miss Sophia seems to love it.  I don't know if it was just fun for her to have something different and eat from a spoon, or if she really did enjoy the cereal.  Her Dr. said it should help her sleep better at night, so let's hope, because she still wakes up quite a bit to eat.  As you can imagine, Charlie thought he was pretty neat to get to feed her himself!  He actually did really well and was gentle with her, plusshe didn't seem to mind who fed her, as long as she got that cereal!  Great start, Sophie!

1 comment:

Jodee said...

Way to go, Sophie!